Does my business have to be located in Santa Monica to join the Santa Monica Chamber?

No, you do not have to have a business address in Santa Monica in order to join our Chamber. Anyone who wants to do business with others in Santa Monica are welcome to join.

How can I have a Ribbon Cutting Celebration for my new business?

Congratulations on your new business.  As a Chamber Member you can have a Ribbon Cutting.  You would complete the Ribbon Cutting form to let us know your preferred format and who you would like us to invite and we will bring the large scissors and ribbon. There is a fee and we recommend giving The Chamber a few weeks’ notice to schedule and promote this.

How do I get involved with Chamber Committees?

Once you join the Chamber you are able to join any committee to participate in specific communities.  Click here to get to the Committee page to learn which committees are best for you and your business.

Once I join The Chamber, how do I post my company’s events and offers.

Once you join you can create your own login with password to access anytime to post events, member to member offers and share ideas with other Chamber Members.

How long does my Chamber Membership last?

Your membership will last for a year from the month you join and you will be able to renew the following year at that time.  It is not based on a calendar year so whenever you join you will have a full year to enjoy your benefits before renewing for following year.

Can I attend mixers without becoming a member?

Prospective Members can attend one mixer (at the higher non-member rate) before they need to join The Santa Monica Chamber to attend additional events.